7 Day Life Cycle of Angie's Tempeh (Soybean) and Storage Tips

7 Day Life Cycle of Angie's Tempeh (Soybean) and Storage Tips

This post is a documentation of the life cycle and changes of Angie's Soybean Tempeh stored in the chiller (4°C) over 7 days, from the day of receipt.

Day 1

Angie's Tempeh (Soybean) is delivered to your door warm and firm to the touch - a sign of fresh, unpasteurised tempeh that is not commonly found in supermarkets. This is because the fungi cultures are still growing and heat is self-generated during the fermentation process. You can choose to let it cool down by laying it flat on the table, giving it plenty of air to breathe.

The mycelium should look stark white, fluffy, and fully coating the exterior of the tempeh. The smell should be beany and mushroom-like, without off-odours.

Day 2-4

Over days 2-4, if the tempeh is stored unopened and well-sealed in the refrigerator, the tempeh should be firm and mycelium should still look healthy - white and forming a thick coat around the tempeh. The smell may develop a stronger yeasty aroma, but there should not be off-odours. 

Day 5

On day 5, the tempeh should be firm and mycelium should still be visible. The mycelium should still appear white, but may show signs of thinning and the layer may not be as thick as on day 1. The smell may develop a stronger yeasty aroma, but there should not be off-odours.

Day 7

On day 7, the tempeh should be slightly firm and mycelium should still be visible. The mycelium should still appear white, but may show further signs of thinning and fading. The smell may develop some off-odours. 


Angie's Tempeh (Soybean) is able to stay fresh and healthy if stored unopened in the refrigerator (4°C) for at least 7 days. By day 7, although the tempeh starts to show signs of mycelium weakening and fading, the colour is still white and the beans are a healthy cream colour, not brown, mouldy, or slimy.

Tempeh Storage Tips

  • If you intend to consume the tempeh within one week, you may store it in the refrigerator (4°C).
  • If you intend to keep it for more than one week, it is best to store the tempeh in the freezer (-18°C) after delivery to preserve it in its freshest state. It will last well for 3 months frozen.
  • You can also cut the tempeh block (200g) into smaller portions, store what you need for within the week in the refrigerator and the extra in the freezer.
  • Defrost the tempeh on day of cooking. Cook the tempeh immediately after thawing. Do not refreeze.


Not sure if your tempeh is in good condition or safe to eat? Snap a picture and email us at hello@angiestempeh.com or WhatsApp (+65) 96878861 and we will respond.
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